Banking and Finance Cybersecurity Compliance

Helping Innovative Canadian Fintech to Standardize on Open Banking Cybersecurity


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Trust our exceptional track record of excellence. For over 30 years, certified Personal Information Protection professionals from Datarisk Canada and its parent organization, the Informatica Group of Companies, have played an important role in serving the financial industry through clients in the banking, insurance, lending, ecommerce and other innovative fintech organizations.

Kick off your fintech security journey and add credibility, discover vulnerabilities and validate your compliance claims with our industry leading Verify Rapid Review™ for Fintech.

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All financial organizations depend on three cybersecurity solutions: Audit, Assessment and Awareness.
Choose from the benefits below and request a customized quote.


Cyber Risk Advisory
Retained Expertise

82% of businesses attribute improved cybersecurity resilience to participation in strategic consulting services.

Engage with our risk advisor for strategic consulting on open banking, IT risk management and cybersecurity decision support.

Choose from:

  1. Information security
  2. Cyber insurance coverage
  3. Security policies
  4. Incident management
  5. Breach response
Request Customization
Claudiu Popa in blue shirt

Claudiu Popa, CEO, Datarisk Canada Creator of Canada's first Fintech Cybersecurity course


Employee Awareness
Measured Enforcement

A 75% reduction in security incidents has been observed in companies implementing comprehensive employee training programs.

Educate staff and managers about the key aspects of cybersecurity, data protection and process changes required for securely adopting open banking.

Choose from:

  1. Policy enforcement
  2. Multi-language content
  3. eLearning
  4. Board presentations
  5. Remedial training
Request Customization

Helping today's fintech innovators face the challenges of tomorrow

Do You Recognize Some of These Fintech Challenges?

Data breaches are often attributed to a variety of factors that compromise cybersecurity. The primary issues include:

Inadequate Secure Development Life Cycle

Failing to prioritize a secure development process leaves vulnerabilities in software, exposing your organization to a heightened risk of breaches.

Deficient Data Protection Controls

Weak data protection measures make sensitive information susceptible to unauthorized access, putting your business at significant risk.

Unnecessary Access by Individuals

Granting excessive access privileges increases the likelihood of unauthorized individuals infiltrating your systems.

Lack of Data Retention Practices

Poor data retention practices and inadequate asset disposal mechanisms create openings for cyber threats.

Ready to Talk?

Tell us about your cybersecurity planning, risk assessment testing and open banking strategy. Our experienced risk advisors are professionally certified  and can simplify the task of planning, educating and strategizing your next steps.   

Contact Us Free PDF Report: Open Banking and Consumer Protection

Interested in Fintech ESG? Ask us about green technology cybersecurity and environmental, social and governance strategies.

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